As a growing up person I am especially embarressed when I forget something. Not like a dentist appointment but perhaps the movie I saw last night or the book I just finished. Friends smile (smirk) and say "Oh she is just having a little senior moment" In my opinion that is not it at all. A senior moment is when something good happens because you ae OLD. Forgetting occurs when one does not to pay attention in the first place. Take an art museum for examble Take the Tate. When there I have been accused of drifting along thinking "Oh that's a pretty picture"or "Wow did he really look like that" and later not being able to identify the painting or much less the artist. Just not paying attention. I should think about the year it was painted , the importance of the brush strokes or the use of symbols, all that kind of thing. I'm sure if oue of my grandaughters showed me a photo of the man she was sleeping with I would remember every square inch. That and any details I could manage to pry out. Although I might, in the long run, be happier if I just remembered the dentist appointment.
It is the same with reading. I often find I have read an entire page while thinking about my dinner menu. I can look at my watch and 30 seconds later wonder what time it is. Oops, I didn't pay attention. So if it seems your friends and family are fogetful perhaps they are just not paying attention. Try talking about subjects that are more interesting, That is if you don't forget.
So true, often times for young and old it is not about memory, but about mindfulness, being present to what one is seeing and hearing.